Dr Shah is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester.
She is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester and leads a small research group investigating burn wound healing and scarring.
Country | Germany |
I started with burn prevention twenty years ago. Over these years I organized many single events and events with our lokal fire brigade, experts für explosive materials and many others. We began a advertising project together with Paulinchen, over several years, followed by a lokal projekt, still running.
We etablished a training programm for experts in Nürnberg, a special educated nurse teaches the employes of kindergarten or child houses.
Dr. Karl Bodenschatz
E: karl.bodenschatz@klinikum-nuernberg.de
Country | France |
Dr Goffinet is a Plastic Surgeon at the Nancy Burns centre. She holds a Master in Bio-engineer and a PhD in Health & Bioengineer. Since 2012 Dr. Goffinet is associate Professor in Plastic Surgery at CHRU Nancy and is General coordinator at the burns center for children.
Dr. Goffinet has a special interest in birth defect and mono carborns; Epigenetic determinants in scar, and in particular in Burn’s Scar; Vascular disease, in particular lymphatic disorders (microsurgery, experimental surgery).
Country | Germany |
Welcome to Heidi Gottwald who is the co-founder of Paulinchen – Initiative for Young Burn Survivors. She comes with a wealth of experience from 30 years of working for the charity Paulinchen in Germany on a voluntary basis. She retires from her role as Chairwoman and leading different projects for children with burn injuries and burn prevention at the end of 2023. In 2010 her idea of an annual “Young Burn Survivors Day” (December 7th) was successfully established across Germany. .Her vision is to expand the scope and establish a global “World Burn Awareness Day” on which everyone works together on burn prevention. She will be a great asset to help us with our burn prevention strategy.
In 2002 Koen graduated as clinical psychologist at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) where he started as a teaching assistant and a research fellow doing research on the ‘Psychological consequences in pediatric burns’. Meanwhile he enjoyed being volunteer at the Belgian burn camps for several years.
In 2008 he changed work and started working in a new environment as Managing Director from OSCARE, a (non-profit)organisation for burns, scar aftercare & research. This ambulatory medical center is unique in its kind, combining (after)care, research, education (Scar Academy) and prevention. He has a special interest into the development of new educational programs raising knowledge and skills of scar treatments in healthcare professionals who are not mainly working in burns care. Furthermore he is interested in aftercare and research on Quality of Life. Lastly he does believe that adequate prevention materials and campaigns could play an important role in changing public behaviour resulting in less burn accidents.