PAM Committee Members
See who's member of the PAM committee and what their main focus is.
What are P.A.M.’s
P.A.M.’s (Professions Allied to Medicine) cover a wide group of non-medical professions, including Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Dieticians and other professionals associated with burn care.
What is the P.A.M. Committee
The P.A.M. Committee of the EBA consists of representatives from these non-medical groups. Members have been selected to represent a wide range of professions and interests: Rehabilitation, Nursing and Psycho-social issues.
The chairperson of the P.A.M. Committee sits as a member of the executive committee of the EBA, in order to give feedback to, and receive feedback from the executive.
What are the tasks of the Committee
Further information
If you have a question about the PAM Committee or are interested in becoming involved in the Committee, please contact any member of the Committee or use our contact page.
Please also check this pdf file.
We look forward to hearing from you.