Prof Tom Potokar and the Organizing Committee of the European Club for Paediatric Burns World Congress 2020 would like to invite you to a pioneering and genre breaking congress following the ethos and long tradition of the ECPB of being innovative, original and inspiring.
There is no way to deny the times we are living in and the existential crisis that is facing us as a result of climate change and as health professionals we have a duty to not only treat and safeguard our patients but also to promote peace and wellbeing both of which are under severe threat if the climate crisis goes unabated.
Based on these considerations the world congress will be a cost effective, ethical gathering with low environmental impact– creating an environment and atmosphere that encourages people to both think and act differently at work and in their daily lives.
The congress will be held in the glorious surroundings of West Wales at the Centre for Alternative Technology, set in a wooded hillside with beautiful views.
The themes of the event will be around Interconnectivity, Interdependence and Interdisciplinary Care and will go far beyond the standard ‘medical’ model and look into arts, media, politics , education and an integrated systems approach to improving global paediatric burn care and prevention.
The congress will be co-hosted with Interburns (, twitter@interburns) and the Centre for Global Burn Injury Policy & Research based at Swansea University, Wales, UK (, twitter@cgbipr).
Update and further details of the congress will be published later on,, and the next EBA newsletter.