Webinar Treatment in pediatric burns: Children are not small adults – WHERE LIES THE DIFFERENCE?

Preliminary Scientific programme

Tuesday 31 May – 17:00-19:55 PM (CET)

17:00 Welcome & introduction – Clemens Schiestl, EBA President
17:05 Key points of surgical management – Kathrin Neuhaus, Zurich, Switzerland
17:15 Anaesthesia keys – Diego Neuhaus, Zurich, Switzerland
17:25 Hand burns – Nikos Marathovouniotis, Cologne, Germany
17:35 Sponsored session: Mölnlycke (MP4)
A holistic approach to wound management in paediatric burn care Sue Boasman, RN, MNAP, UK
18:20 Break
18:30 Reconstructive surgery – Sophie Böttcher, Zurich, Switzerland
18:40 Patient care – Clare Thomas, Birmingham, United Kingdom
18:50 Psychological support – Anna Pittermann, Vienna, Austria
19:00 Non accidental injuries – Amber Young, Bristol, United Kingdom
19:10 Sponsored session: Polymedics (MP4)

19:55 Closing

On demand session 1On demand session 2

Presentations (MP4) Webinar Towards excellence – burns nursing in the 21st century – opportunities and challenges

Word of welcome by the President of EBAProf. Dr. Clemens Schiestl
Growing my wings: my journey in burn careKrissie Stiles, RN MSc
Adaptation as a nurse- A South African perspective – Ethel Andrews, RN MSc
A reflective glance: burns nursing and the academic trajectory Associate Professor Rachel Kornhaber, RN PhD
The role of the advanced nurse practitioner in burn care – Sue Boasman, RN MNAP
Burns Nursing academy in the Netherlands – Helma Hofland
Research as solid ground of nursing professionalismProf. Dr. Gabriele Meyer, President European Academy of Nursing Science
Developing a nurse driven after care programAnita Boekelaar, RN
Journey of a burns nurse from the bedside to education and management – Nicole Lee, RN